Senin, 02 Mei 2016

Read Online The Assassination Complex: Inside the Government's Secret Drone Warfare Program Ebook Free Download

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Major revelations about the US government's drone program - best-selling author Jeremy Scahill and his colleagues at the investigative website The Intercept expose stunning new details about America's secret assassination policy.

When the US government discusses drone strikes publicly, it offers assurances that such operations are a more precise alternative to troops on the ground and are authorized only when an "imminent" threat is present and there is "near certainty" that the intended target will be killed. The implicit message on drone strikes from the Obama administration has been trust, but don't verify.

The online magazine The Intercept exploded this secrecy when it obtained a cache of secret slides that provide a window into the inner workings of the US military's kill/capture operations in Afghanistan, Yemen, and Somalia. Whether through the use of drones, night raids, or new platforms yet to be employed, these documents show assassination to be central to US counterterrorism policy.

The classified documents reveal that Washington's 14-year targeted killing campaign suffers from an overreliance on flawed signals intelligence, an apparently incalculable civilian toll, and an inability to extract potentially valuable intelligence from terror suspects. This campaign, carried out by two presidents through four presidential terms, has been deliberately obscured from the public and insulated from democratic debate. The Assassination Complex allows us to understand at last the circumstances under which the US government grants itself the right to sentence individuals to death without the established checks and balances of arrest, trial, and appeal.

The book includes original contributions from Glenn Greenwald and Edward Snowden. / home A sister publication of Artforum, Bookforum brings incisive reviews of the latest titles, author interviews, and commentary about current and coming trends and ideas ... Shadowproof Jeremy Scahill The Assassination Complex: Inside the Governments Secret Drone Warfare Program. THU 5/5 @ 12pm East: Hosted by Kevin Gosztola. Journalist Jeremy ... Germany is the Tell-Tale Heart of Americas Drone War A top-secret U.S. intelligence document obtained by The Intercept reveals that the U.S. military base in Ramstein, Germany plays a critical role in the drone program. Black Op Radio We take questions for guests EMAIL the show live! All The Black Op Radio Shows are archived MP3 - available for Direct Download Details at Products page The Secret History of Boeings Killer Drone WIRED The Secret History of Boeings Killer Drone. ... Snowden reveals HAARP's Global Assassination Agenda The ... Edward Snowden released documents Tuesday to The Internet Chronicle proving HAARP's engagement in a program of global assassination. Investigating Possible Conspiracies and Cover-ups Investigating Possible Conspiracies and Cover-ups JFK, The Moon Landings, etc. By Wade Frazier. Revised June 2014 . Introduction. Gary Wean and the JFK Assassination ASSASSINATION WHAT REALLY HAPPENED This is how completely morally bankrupt the US military has become, in its defense of the indefensible; and for Votel to state that military personnel didn't know ... The Unblinking Stare - The New Yorker At the Pearl Continental Hotel, in Peshawar, a concrete tower enveloped by flowering gardens, the management has adopted security precautions that have become common ... NSA Transmissions - Home (1975) "To defend against things like anthrax attacks on ourcivilian population centers, we also have recommended to the U.S. Government the crash development of ...

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